Wittmann Patch

Starsurgical is still the source for the Wittmann Patch. For details, see the Wittmann Patch section.

Padded Retention Guards

For an alternative to using pieces of red rubber catheters to prevent suture pull-through and tearing consider these.

Starsurgical, home of the Wittmann Patch®, introduces:

Vampiro laparoscopic dual lumen poole suction sleeve


Vampiro Logo

Vampiro Laproscopic Poole Suction Sleeve

The Vampiro Laproscopic Poole Suction Sleeve maximizes removal of fluid, clots, and debris and minimizes spot suction occlusion.

The Vimpiro Laproscopic Poole Suction Sleeve provides:

Vampiro enhances your existing procedures:

Vampiro illustration

Video demonstration