Clinical Literature
Clinical reprints and the American College of Surgeons film Temporary Abdominal Closure Techniques: “The Wittmann Patch” are available for the asking; please contact us for this or any other information.
- Fantus RJ, Mellett MM, Kirby JP, Use of Controlled Fascial Tension and an Adhesion Preventing Barrier to Achieve Delayed Primary Fascial Closure in Patients Managed with an Open Abdomen, American Journal of Surgery, 2006, 192: 243-247
- Fantus RJ, Temporary Abdominal Closure Techniques: The Wittmann Patch, Film presentation at the 2003 American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL ACS-2204 Video Collection. You can view it on the Starsurgical home page.
- Tieu BH, Cho SD, Luem N, Riha G, Mayberry J, Schreiber MA, The Use of the Wittmann Patch Facilitates a High Rate of Fascial Closure in Severely Injured Trauma Patients and Critically Ill Emergency Surgery Patients, Journal of Trauma, 2008, 65: 865-870
- Wilson A, Novel Technique of Temporary Abdominal Coverage Allowing Primary Fascial Closure in Patients Requiring Prolonged Open Abdomen, The World Congress on the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, 2004
- Weinberg JA, George RL, Griffin RL, Stewart AH, Reiff DA, Kerby JD, Melton SM, Rue III LW, Closing the Open Abdomen: Improved Success With Wittmann Patch Staged Abdominal Closure, Journal of Trauma, 2008, 65(2): 345-348
- Hadeed JG, Staman GW, Sariol HS, Kumar S, Ross SE, Delayed Primary Closure in Damage Control Laparotomy: The Value of the Wittmann Patch, The American Surgeon, 2007, 73: 10-12
- Patterson LA, Use of the Wittmann Patch for Delayed Primary Closure of the Abdominal Wall , Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Meeting, Washington DC 2009
- van Hensbroek PB, Wind J, Dijkgraaf MGW, Busch ORC, Goslings JC, Temporary Closure of the Open Abdomen: A Systematic Review on Delayed Primary Fascial Closure in Patients with an Open Abdomen, World Journal of Surgery, 2009, 33(2): 199-20
- Dennis A, Vizinas T, Joseph K, Kingsley S, Bokhari F, Starr F, Poulakidas S, Wiley D, Messer T, Nagy K, Not so fast to skin graft: Transabdominal wall traction closes most ‘‘domain loss’’ abdomens in the acute setting , J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 2013, 74(6): 1486-1492
- Shokei Matsumoto, Nao Hiroe, Masayuki Shimizu, Motoyasu Yamazaki, Yukitoshi Toyoda, Tomohiko Orita, Tomohiro Satoh, Mitsuhide Kitano, Department of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital, Open Abdominal Management with the Wittmann Patch™ (in Japanese)